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The Gallery has been redone. After the SL5B exhibit I was determined to recreate my Darkness theme at the gallery. I had to wait till the land behind my gallery went up for sale. Wow, just when I needed it, it did just that. All eight 512's became available all at the same time. One was priced very affordable and the other 7 were a bit over the top for my budget. I decided to make an offer for all 7 and then a few days later the owner counter offered me a nice reduction and I purchased all 8 for my new 8192 plot.
The Castle was moved back and to one side so that Cagney's club next door could enjoy the setting and walk way to the gallery grounds. I never put up the red tape no entry stuff, I think thats kind of silly. I removed all the stairs and closed the openings to each floor, allowing the use of the floor shield teleports. the main lobby has the open ceiling and now my balcony office ... well we can call it that cant we :p lol. For reference to my growing understanding of the progression in my art/photoshop work on SL screenshot/photos, I placed three portraits in the office. Its good to see the differences.
Yayyy ... We now have the open grounds for the larger dark art displayed out as in the Darkness exhibit. The new added feature is the DJ riser. This is where we will hold our Masquerades and future events. Our last masquerade gave out over 30,000 in prize L$.
The Grand Opening will be held the second week of August 2008, exact date, time and details to be announced in the Cienega Soon Artistry group. Please join for the VIP extras as well, or IM me and I will invite you to join.
I am looking forward to the next guest exhibitor. A place out on the grounds as well as one of the floors in the gallery will be open to a new unnoticed SL photo artist. to be announced at the Grand Re-Opening of the Gallery.
K, now I'm pulling out my hair!jepg, png, and tga. all have their place for saving textures. I am having trouble seeing a difference.I have heard the technical reasons for each and which is better for SL. I am wondering if I am doing something wrong in my original work. I have a landscape saved in jpeg and tga, they've been uploaded to SL and side by side the tga looks like crap. Why?I just did another upload of a new pic (shown here) doing all three files, all look close, but the png looks the best. Although I have seen greater detail in other textures when the term 'Baked" is used. What is that? But because of my conclusion on the difference in detail on my landscape I've been uploading jpeg.You can go see for yourself. I have all three files up on the stone wall outside at the gallery. excuse the construction mess as I am remodeling my gallery's new add on land wooo hooo!you can drop me an IM too, with your thoughts if ya like "-)
The word cienega means swamp. Pronounced; C N eh Ga. Although in Spanish its classical meaning is the edge where the water can not go past. You know that edge, right where the line is thin or squishy.
Well my edge is clear like water. But it lies just beneath the sand. You might not see it but its there. If you step to far beyond the line into my sand you will get wet.
Cienega well speak her mind once in a while, only in fairness. Taking all things easy and fun makes her edge simply exciting ...but
Under the water in the deeper part its dark. The kind of darkness that needs light to be understood. Light plays on the edges of life, revealing things that think they want to hide. Some of the edges are sharp, some smooth, some messy, some boring, and some so exciting that they could burst out straight up and splash us all.
This Cienega likes the edge of all things. Edges bring imagination to light, revealing the hidden messages. Darkness, light and edges artistically need each other to reveal a feeling or answer a question. Questions and answers always change and never end. I am so glad i don't know anything yet. I'm gonna stand on the edge waiting, listening, watching, and take my time learning. com'mon lets take a look together